Our donors

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UAB Students

Through the 0.7 % campaign, students can individually contribute €15 on course registration to help fund solidarity-based and cooperation-for-development actions. Please tick the box on your registration form!

UAB Administration & Teaching/Research Staff
Coinciding with the demands made in the 1990s for 0.7%, members of the UAB administration and teaching/research staff began to make contributions to the UAB Solidarity Fund and have continued to do so to the present moment. You can also be a FAS donor!

Is your department, office or service interested in supporting our programmes?
Does your company want to collaborate in the FAS project? Get in touch with us and we’ll send you our collaboration proposals.

Click this link to see the funders who have recently collaborated with us.

Anyone, even if they’re not part of the UAB, can help the FAS. Make your donation now!
Companies and Disability
Current legislation obliges companies with over 50 workers to reserve 2% of their workforce for people with disabilities or to carry out an alternative measure to promote the employment of this group. One of these measures is to make a donation or sponsorship action that has as a beneficiary a public-utility foundation or association having as an objective professional training, workforce insertion or the creation of employment in favour of people with disability.

The Fundación Autónoma Solidaria works to ensure the training and/or workforce placement of university students with disabilities, and to foster the training and//or workforce placement of people with disabilities in the university. If your company is interested in supporting the initiatives promoted by PIUNE, the UAB Disability Assistance Service, for facilitating workforce insertion of university students with disabilities, please contact us: fas.piune@uab.cat