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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Women in Data Science Conference at the UAB

20 Jan 2017
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The School of Engineering will retransmit the Women in Data Science Conference which will be held on 3 February at Stanford University and 25 other places around the world simultaneously. The objective is to inspire and educate the data science community, regardless of their gender, and give support to women in this field.

The conference offers the opportunity to listen to speakers present the latest scientific advances related to research data, learn how cutting-edge firms benefit from data science, and connect with possible mentors and collaborators.

The second edition of the Women in Data Science (WiDS) conference, will be celebrated at Stanford University and 25 other locations simultaneously around the world on 3 February 2017. The UAB will be the only retransmission point in Catalonia and the only university in Spain to retransmit the conference. The event will be held at the School of Engineering.

The conference aims to offer a meeting point for the data science sector, an interdisciplinary field related to the analysis, processing and collection of data, among others parameters.

In this second edition, WiDS aims to be a meeting point for data science professionals focusing on the non-discrimination of gender and the inclusion of women into the sector as two absolutely necessary objectives which must be reached. The exchange of knowledge and the presence of the most important firms of the sector, make this conference a key event for data science professionals and researchers.

The event at the UAB will be presented by Daniel Franco, Director of the School of Engineering, followed by a speech by Ana Ripoll, professor in Computer Architecture and Technology at the UAB, entitled Big Data: la revolució tecnològica de les dades

The first edition, held last year, included the attendance of people from 30 universities and 80 firms and other organisations, as well as university students and industrial professionals. A total of 23 speakers gave their presentations and over 6,000 people followed the event online.


5 PM: Presentation of the event by Daniel Franco, Director of the School of Engineering.

5:15 PM: "Big Data: la revolució tecnològica de les dades" Conference by Ana Ripoll, professor in Computer Architecture and Technology at the UAB.

6 PM: Streaming from Stanford.

To attend the event it is necessary to register previously. Please check the WiDS programme and other information on their website. The event will be held at the auditorium (Sala de Graus).
