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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

We have a name: l'Àgora Building

07 Nov 2014
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L'Àgora Building is the winning name for the building located at the Plaça Cívica
At the beginning of the FMUAB 2014, the Vice-Rector for Students and Cooperation, Silvia Carrasco, announced the winning name for the building located in the Plaça Cívica. From now on, this will be called “l'Àgora Building”. During the Aquí busquem nom contest, we received 106 suggestions to re-name this building (formerly known as “R” building) in which  projects and cultural activities take place such as dance, theatre, music, volunteering, promoting equality and fighting against discrimination, student participation and activities for international students. Additionally, it is also the building where the UAB Theatre and the Cinema, the Events Room and the rehearsal rooms are located.
The winners of the contest are members of the Colla Castellera Ganàpies and their proposal for the name "The Agora" came with the following reflection: "The agora was a central spot in ancient Greek city-states. The literal meaning of the word is "gathering place" or "assembly". It was a space for debate and culture, surrounded by important buildings. That’s why the building is the agora, the “central participation place in the UAB". During the award ceremony, the winner, Pol Sarrau, expressed his particular satisfaction at winning the contest, recalling that the group had “spent a lot of time here”.

The jury, composed of the head of the UAB Area of Communication and Marketing, the Vice-Rector for Students and Cooperation and a member of each organization that makes up the Participation Area (Community Involvement, Cultura en Viu, UAB Solidarity Foundation (FAS), Observatory for Equality), evaluated this suggestion positively because of the name and explanation, and also because of the inclusion of the article that gives singularity and proximity. Other aspects were viewed positively, such as the word being feminine in grammatical gender or that the name was suitable to the UAB’s nomenclature. Furthermore, the jury mentioned other suggestions that also included the word “Agora” from Weijun Zhou, Sergi Perallón, Raul Bretones, Judith Martorell, Marc Saludes and Robert Tejedor.
