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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

UABràdio celebrates its first anniversary in the Plaça Cívica

08 Feb 2016
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The university radio station, UABràdio, celebrates its first year of broadcasts on Thursday 11 February with a special programme live in the Studio 3 of the Faculty of Communication Studies, which will start at 1.00 pm.
The university radio station, UABràdio, celebrates its first year of broadcasts on Thursday 11 February. There will be a special programme live in the Studio 3 of the Faculty of Communication Studies, which will start at 1.00 pm. The programme, hosted by the students Clara Soteras y Roger Torres, has the collaboration of the Community Involvement Unit and it intends for all members of the university community, collectives and student societies to participate in the broadcast or take a look at how a live radio broadcast is done.

The broadcast will include music performances, such as the group Pantaleó, nominated to Best New Artist in the Enderrock awards. Some students will present dramatic readings of their own works -keeping in line with the UAB radio drama- and members of the UAB Aula de Teatre will make an improshow following the public's demands.

You can listen to UABràdio at 100.3FM and on the UAB Campus Mèdia platform, the audiovisual platform of the Faculty of Communication Studies created by UABràdio and UABtv.
