The UAB Artificial Intelligence Interest Group brings together some 50 researchers
The conference represented a meeting point for researchers and research groups at the UAB to meet and explore common interests with the goal of creating an AI network from a multidisciplinary approach.
This Thursday 16 May, the UAB Artificial Intelligence Interest Group Conference took place. This meeting point aimed for researchers and research groups of the UAB to meet and explore common interests in order to create a multidisciplinary approach network in which Artificial Intelligence will act as a common axis.
Vice-Rector for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Rosa M. Sebastián inaugurated the conference by presenting the initiative to create an AI interest group at the UAB, asking attendees for "feedback and ideas to see what can be done in this area, to boost it from the University". Then, the dean of the Faculty of Law, Susana Navas, presented the legal scenario of the European Union in the field of AI, with details of the currently existing legal framework and its areas of application, with emphasis on regulations when AI is used in research.
The conference featured the presentation of three AI initiatives at the UAB: the Cruïlla Chair of Artificial Intelligence in Music and the Arts, by Professor Fernando Vilariño from the Department of Computer Science; projects on artificial intelligence and robotics to improve the quality of life of people, by Professor Pilar Dellunde from the Department of Philosophy and Professor Miquel Domènech from the Department of Social Psychology; and the CowTalk project: We listen to cows with the help of Artificial Intelligence to assess their welfare, presented by Pol LLonch, lecturer of the Department of Animal and Food Science.
Finally, in a networking session, attendees shared their interests in different areas within the field of Artificial Intelligence, in order to set up synergies and future collaborations.