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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Start of the International Summer Term UAB 2016

22 Jun 2016
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The International Summer Term UAB 2016 has begun with an opening and welcome session in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Law. There was a presentation of the Social Program and the Buddy Program, which will allow international students to get to know the UAB and Barcelona.
Inici de l'International Summer Term
The International Summer Term UAB 2016 began on Monday 20 June with an opening and welcome session in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Law. The Vice-Rector for International Relations, Màrius Martínez, and the ICE Director, Carme Ruíz, welcomed the students. The Vice-rector for Students and Employability, Sara Moreno, presented the Social Program and the Buddy Program,which are organized by the Community Involvement Unit for the first time.

About 50 students from different countries participate in the International Summer Term, many of them from universities in California. The Summer Term is a 6-week project: the students will have lectures in the morning and during the first two weeks there will be activities during the afternoon, in which the buddies will also participate. The buddies are a group made up of UAB students that will be assigned to accompany international studentsin the Social Program activities. That will allow both international and locals students to meet students from different countries and share their cultures, and it is also an opportunity to discover the UAB and Barcelona from the point of view of local students.

In the welcome session the teaching staff of the International Summer Term was introduced to the students. Fiona Kelso, professor in the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, talked about the linguistic context in Catalonia and the event concluded with security guidelines for international students.

Once the session was over, the UAB Services Fair took place outside the Faculty, and there were stands of the Area of International Relations, the Library Service, the Community Involvement Unit, the Solidarity Autonomous Foundation, the Languages Service and a Cultural Activities stand, among others. This allowed students to discover all the services that the UAB can offer them during their stay. During the Services Fair, international students had the opportunity to meet and speak with the buddies.

The Social Program will take place until 1 July, with activities organized by the UAB student societies, such as a castellers workshop by the Ganàpies, a swing workshop by Swing UAB, and a bastoners workshop by UAB Bastoners. There will also be a walk and a picnic in Barcelona and tandem sessions to practice languages in group.
Both international and local students have welcomed the proposal to form linguistic partners, which is an opportunity to meet other students, practice a language and help someone else learn your native language.

We hope international students enjoy the experience and make the most of their stay at the UAB.
