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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

New semester; new theatre, dance, cinema and singing workshops in the UAB.

17 Feb 2016
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The UAB expands its offer of artistic workshops (theatre, dance, cinema and singing) with academic recognition during the second semester. Registration will be open until 24 February and they will be destined to anyone who wants to participate. Join in: artistic creation is waiting for you!
La UAB en cine de terror. Taller de realització cinematogràfica
Would you like to dance swing or do contemporary dance? Do you want to improve your singing technique? Do you want to try theatre or acting in front of a camera? Or would you rather make a short horror film?

With the start of the second semester, the UAB offers new artistic workshops to the members of the university community: introduction to swing, contemporary dance, theatre and singing. Making a short-film or learning to act in front of a camera are other activities available in the university campus.

From Cultura en Viu we offer these workshops open to everyone interested in arts who wants to learn, meet people and have a good time, regardless of their previous knowledge on these areas. These activities will take place during the second semester and can be validated for ECTS credits.

Registration to these workshops is open until 24 February, as long as there are vacancies.
This year, we want to highlight the new cinema workshops.

·         Acting in front of a camera
This activity is aimed at people interested in learning acting techniques necessary to be in front of a camera and also to people who want to participate in the production, script and editing stages. Apart from the making of cinematographic scenes, the workshop will also have screening and talks about films.
·         The UAB and horror cinema. Film making workshop
The activity is aimed at people who want an opportunity to make a short fiction film and who are interested in learning the cinematographic resources that the horror genre uses to astound viewers. The workshop will consist of a combination of classes on the horror genre, guided tutorials and autonomous work of the project.

The dance, theatre and singing workshops are:
·         Introduction to contemporary dance
·         Introduction to Swing
·         Singing techniques
·         Introduction to theatrical performance

Remember that the registration to become a member of the choiror the orchestraare also open. The orchestra is specially looking for string instruments.

You can also ask for the cultural card Viu la Cultura, which certifies the attendance and participation in the cultural activities planned at the campus of the UAB throughout the academic year.

We are waiting for you!

For any clarification please contact:

Cultura en Viu
L'Àgora Building
Plaça Cívica
Tel: 93 581 10 21
Email: cultura.enviu@uab.cat
