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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

More than 40 UAB MOOCs now available online, to start anytime

26 Mar 2020
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Big Data, Egyptology, 3D Art and video game animation, Psychological First Aid, Digital Humanities and How to Be Persuasive are just some of the 45 online MOOC courses offered by the UAB, totally free and available at any time.


The UAB currently offers 45 online MOOC courses in different areas of knowledge and completely free, given by UAB lecturers. This year members of the UAB community can obtain MOOC certificates of the courses they enrol in.

The UAB is one of the universities offering a large amount of varied MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses), thanks to the interdisciplinarity of the areas it covers. Through the Coursera platform, the UAB has become a leading MOOC centre, both in Spain and in Europe. It must be highlighted that it is the onlu public univerity in Spain to belong to this platform, where one also can find prestigious universities such as Stanford, Princeton, Caltech and Yale. The UAB first began to offer MOOCs 8 years ago.

The MOOCs offered by the UAB are open to all of the world, in Spanish or English and given by UAB lecturers. Each course last from 4 to 30 hours.

Big Data, Diseño y creación de juegos, Egiptología, Precálculo, Corrección, estilo y variaciones de la lengua española, Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos, Detección de objetos,Clasificación de imágenes, English for Teaching Purposes and Patrocinio Deportivo, Como hablar bien en público are some of the 45 courses available. Of these, six form part of the specialised on the design of video games (Diseño y creación de videojuegos) and five belong to the specialised programme on Big Data. The latest courses to be offered are Women in Environmental Biology, Contratación Digital and Competencias Digitales.

Each course is structured into different modules and lectures, in which there may be different videos of the lessons, PDFs of the video presentations (if accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation), complementary material, self-evaluation exercises - questionnaires, correction in paris and/or progammed excercises, so that students can check their evolution, and a final exam. The structure of the course also includes communication tools such as e-mails and forums, as well as a series of debates.

For the UAB Community

Starting this year, members of the UAB community can obtain a free MOOC certificate. Students, former students, members of the teaching and research sector and administration and services staff interested in signing up for the courses must register at Coursera-UAB by following the instructions outlined in this document. For those who have already began a UAB MOOC with Coursera, their file will be automatically transferred and they will be able to continue the course if they have not completed it, or apply for a free certificate if they have.

The UAB became interested in MOOCs in 2013 with the aim of transferring scientific, technological, cultural and training knowledge to society through quality teaching and a clear intention of reaching international audiences. Until now, studying these courses were free and one only had to pay for the certificate. Now, the certificates are also free of charge for the university community.

You can find information on the courses offered by the UAB at https://www.coursera.org/uab
