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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Inclusive Libraries at the UAB

05 Mar 2020
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UAB Inclusion service organized the training “Let’s Create an Inclusive Library”, addressed to the UAB libraries staff.

Formació biblioteques PIUNE

The PINUE (the UAB Inclusion Service and Support for Student with Specific Needs) has given the training “Let’s Create an Inclusive Library”, addressed to the UAB libraries staff. In this training were explained the several measures taken to guarantee equal studies for everyone. 32 people attended the sessions given during the morning and in the afternoon.

The training was focused on several aspects. Firstly, the Tutorial Action Plan (PAT-UAB) was made known. This plan aims to guarantee that each disabled student or with specific educational needs can carry both undergraduate and third cycle studies in equal conditions. Besides that, this project wants to enhance personal independence and optimize the teaching-learning process.

Secondly, the resources that the libraries provide and its functioning, and how students can access them were discussed. Some of these resources include six adapted booths for persons with physical or sensorial disabilities and/or persons with learning difficulties. They are found in the Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives, the Social Sciences Library, and the Humanities Library.

Next, the courses of action planned to improve the university experience for disabled people or with specific educational needs were annouced. On one hand, there is the production center of material in alternative formats, which carries out the digitalization of documents, the recording of material (to turn paper document into audio format), and the documents conversion to Braille format.  On the other hand, the support resources in the classrooms were also announced, either a specific software for students with dyslexia and or ADD/ADHD or resources to sit exams (laptops, specific software)

Finally, it was highlighted the importance of a counseling service for disabled people and a lending service that assesses and evaluates the most adequate technologic resources for disabled students at the UAB, besides lending technological equipment to these students.
