Informació general

Erasmus+ Logo

The Erasmus+ Studies Program, KA131 2021/27 program, provides students with an academic stay at a university in an EU member state or in third countries associated with the Program (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey).

The recognition of studies will be done following the Learning Agreement (study agreement) that the student will have agreed with the exchange coordinator of his center, before leaving.

Each course opens a joint call for the Erasmus+ programs and the UAB Exchange Program among UAB students. The decision to award destination places in the call does not necessarily imply the granting of financial aid, which will depend on the approval of the budgets for the programs for the different institutions involved.

The student pays the tuition fee at the home university and enjoys free tuition at the host institution (except in cases where otherwise specified), where they are entitled to the same services that local students receive, in equal footing. The host university must provide the necessary information about the courses offered, accommodation possibilities and registration procedures.

Carrying out the exchange at the host university will not imply the right to obtain the degree at that institution.

Electronic signature

To carry out procedures with the UAB it is necessary to have a digital certificate to be able to sign the documents by means of an electronic signature. Consult all the information on the digital signature page.

You will find information on how to apply and attach documents at this link.
