Finance and Services Committee

Committee on Economy and Services

The Committee on Economy and Services is in charge of preparing, debating and proposing any matter related to the economic activity, services, infrastructure and facilities of the Faculty, and also agreeing or resolving the issues that are being considered. set forth below:

a) Propose to the Board of Faculty the distribution of the operating budget.

b) Prepare a report, at the end of the academic year, on the improvements, extensions or any other aspect that contributes to the establishment of the infrastructure and equipment necessary for teaching.

c) Formulate to the Board of the Faculty the proposals of investment, of distribution of spaces and acquisition of equipment.

d) Coordinate the activities of the Faculty services and propose improvement plans.

e) Approve the actions that derive from plans and specific budgets promoted or approved by higher bodies.

f) Any other party that the Board delegates expressly and formally.

Members of the Commission (February 2020)

Luis Fernando Morales Morante Vicedegà d'Economia, d'Infraestructures i de Relacions Institucionals
Enric Marín Otto Coordinador de la Biblioteca de Comunicació i Hemeroteca General
Glòria García Andrés Administradora de Centre
Ana Ullod Pujol Departament de Comunicació Audiovisual i Publicitat
Mercè Díez Jiménez Departament de Mitjans, Comunicació i Cultura
Ricardo Carniel Bugs Departament de Periodisme i de Ciències de la Comunicació
Mari Luz Barbeito Veloso Departament de Publicitat, Relacions Públiques i Comunicació Audiovisual
Sector A  
Alfons Gonzàlez Quesada  
José Maria Perceval Verde  
Sector B  
Ana Isabel Fernandez Viso  
Sector C 
Roger Barcelona Pons Comunicació Audiovisual
David Mármol González Comunicació Interactiva
No hi ha cap representant Comunicació de les Organitzacions
Paula Fumado Cortiz Periodisme
Aaron Sánchez Velasco Periodisme
Paula García Hernández Periodisme
Ana Belén Flamit Úbeda Periodisme
Maria Blasco Claramonte Publicitat i Relacions Públiques
Sector D  
Raül Giró Salvatierra  
Pierre Caufapè Sarramona