University Master's Degree in Sports Management

An innovative programme based on experiential learning and focused on the business side of sport, to cultivate professionals with an entrepreneurial spirit and strategic vision. 

General information

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  • UAB University Master's Degree
  • Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Course begins on 25/09/2025
    Course ends on 12/06/2026
  • Beginning of the pre-enrolment period 13/01/2025
    See the calendar
  • Pre-registration period: Open
  • Places: 75 places. SPANISH: 29 places for presential modality and 320 places for on-line modality. ENGLISH: 26 places for on-line modality.
  • Teaching timetable: Afternoons
  • Price: Onsite: €187 per credit
    Online: €162 per credit. 
    5% disc. Alumni UAB (applicable only on the first enrolment of the whole course)
    5% disc. Alumni Johan Cruyff Institute (applicable only on the first enrolment of the whole course)

    Fees, discounts and payment methods

  • Language: Classroom-based learning: spanish Online: spanish Online: english
  • Teaching centre: Escola Fundació Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona-Formació (affiliated school)
    Place: Johan Cruyff Institute. Carrer de Pomaret, 8, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, 08017 Barcelona

The Official Master's Degree in Sport Management cultivates well-rounded professionals in sport management. 

The SportBusiness International 2024 rankings highlight Johan Cruyff Institute‘s Master in Sport Management Online as the best in Europe and the second-best worldwide in online programs



The main objective of the Master’s Degree is to guide you in your development as an integrated sport management professional and train you in the use of management tools to recognize business opportunities, establish strategies, anticipate changes, optimize resources and analyze information with sound judgement.

Upon the completion of the program, you will be able to:

  • Describe the socioeconomic and legal framework of sports entities in order to develop a strategic management model.
  • Recognize, negotiate and use the financial resources available to manage a sports entity in a sustainable manner.
  • Identify indicators that allow the development of the potential of the people part of a sports company.
  • Design the commercial management of sports products and services through strategies and marketing plans.
  • Manage financially infrastructures and sports facilities.
  • Plan and manage sports events.
  • Apply the knowledge and skills learned in a professional environment of the sport management field.
  • Develop a Business Plan or a project related to sports management.



Basic skills

  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.
  • Solve problems in new or little-known situations within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.
  • Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.

Specific skills

  • Describe the socioeconomic and legal framework in which sports companies find themselves to undertake strategic management.
  • Recognize, negotiate and use the financial resources available to sustainably manage a sports entity.
  • Identify indicators which allow for the development of the potential of the people who make up a sports company.
  • Design the commercial management of sports products and services by means of marketing strategies and plans.
  • Manage financially sports infrastructure and facilities.
  • Plan and manage sports events.
  • Apply the knowledge and skills learned in a professional environment in the area of sports management.
  • Prepare a business plan or a project related to sports management.

Cross-curricular skills

  • Be able to reason autonomously and critically on business topics and issues applied to sports environments
  • Apply tools and methodologies which facilitate creative and innovative thinking in everyday situations related to the environment of sports business
  • Lead a team and work in multidisciplinary teams, participating actively on tasks and negotiating between diverse opinions to reach positions of consensus
  • Recognize the diversity of points of view, understand multiculturalism and be able to express their own opinions while respecting divergent opinions

Student profile 

To study the Official Master’s Degree in Sport Management, it is recommendable that the student has the following skills:

  • Talent for leadership and control
  • Organization and responsibility
  • Skill in giving instructions
  • Ease of spoken and written expression
  • Be dynamic and creative
  • Interest for new technologies, for Internet and web 2.0
  • Experience in online communication
  • An ability to listen and respond
  • Interest for the environment and personal relationships
  • Knowledge of, and respect for social minorities

The programme of the master’s degree is aimed mainly at university graduates in Business Administration and Management, Economics, Marketing, Tourism or equivalents.
Access is also available to university graduates in the area of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations, Audiovisual Communication or equivalents. In these cases the coordinators will assess each file individually with the aim of determining the need to study bridging courses in the area of business which are detailed below.

Access is also available to university graduates in other areas provided they can accredit training in a business area equivalent to Business Management and Administration (MBA).

A requirement for admission on the master’s degree for the English language group is a level of English corresponding to level B.2 of the European Common Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). In addition a requirement for admission on the master’s degree for the Spanish language group is a level of Spanish corresponding to level B.2 of the European Common Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

In the case of students with special or particular needs associated with disability, their admission will be in accordance with Additional Provision 24 of Organic Law 4/2007, of April 12, governing the inclusion of the disabled in universities. Positive action measures are proposed to ensure access for these students on the master’s degree, provided they meet the requirements set forth in current legislation.



  • Learning 3.0: different environments and technologies.
  • Interaction with expert teaching staff and professionals within the sector. 
  • Tools for collaboration, working in teams, communication and debate. 
  • Training focused on the business side of sport 
  • Learning based on experience, with professional development in mind. 

This programme is delivered by a core group of highly experienced university lecturers and researchers, together with experts working in businesses and institutions in the sports sector. In addition, added value is provided by the inclusion of seminars and talks by highly regarded external professionals 

Master's degree website



Career options

  • Competitive sport (professional sports clubs and event management). 
  • Governance (sports federations and associations).
  • Sports installations and events (organisation of championships, sports clubs). 
  • Community sport (foundations, municipalities). 
  • Sports consultancy services (freelance business initiatives). 
  • Sports journalism (Media).
  • Marketing and sponsorship (public and private companies). 


Work placements

Coordinator university:

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Collaborating institutions:

Johan Cruyff Institute

Additional information


AQU Catalunya quality seal of the Official Master's Degree in Sports Management Go to the Master in figures

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