University Master's Degree in Sports Management

An innovative programme based on experiential learning and focused on the business side of sport, to cultivate professionals with an entrepreneurial spirit and strategic vision. 

Content Official Master's Degree in Sports Management

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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Master's dissertation

The master's degree dissertation is seen as the culmination of the process by which students have developed competences in the methodology of intellectual work, specialist reading, integration and application of different areas of knowledge, and spoken and written academic discourse. It is monitored through individual tutorials, group sessions on methodology and a final assessment (read more information).

The dissertation may be of an academic nature or take the form of an innovative business start-up project. Depending on which of these options is taken, the content of the dissertation varies, as laid out in the regulations currently in place.

Assessment is continuous, based on a portfolio, planned methodological tutorials, tutorials with the project tutor, project tutor's report and a presentation before an audience. In the case of online delivery of the programme the same procedure is followed, except that neither the tutorials nor the final presentation take place on site, and they have their own calendar and timetable.