University Master's Degree in Marketing

Promote complete analytical and management training in the area of marketing

Content Official Master's Degree in Marketing

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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Master's dissertation

The Master Thesis is a compulsory module of 10 ECTS credits. The Master Thesis consists of the realization by a student or group of students of an unprecedented project on a marketing problem where they will develop and apply in an integrated way the skills and competences acquired throughout their master's studies. The Master Thesis may be written in Spanish or English.

Master Thesis will have the guidance of a tutor who will supervise and ensure the correct development and compliance with the established objectives. For any question related to the Master Thesis, contact by email



The Master calls each course the recognition of the Best Mater Thesis of the course. The Master considers two types or modalities of Master Thesis.

Professional Modality: the project is especially linked to a company or business organization or focuses on the problems of a particular sector.

Academic Modality: the project addresses a marketing problem of general and/or current interest.

The procedure for awarding the Prize is based on the quality of the work submitted, its originality, the contribution to the marketing problem addressed and/or its business implications. Among all the Master Dissertation presented, those with the highest scores awarded by the tutor and the Master Dissertation defense court are selected. The final verdict corresponds to the Coordination Commission of the Master and awards a prize to the Best Master Dissertation for each modality of Master Dissertation.

The author(s) of the Best Master Thesis receive an accrediting diploma. The Award decision is made public in the Closing Ceremony of the Master.