University Master's Degree in Marketing

Promote complete analytical and management training in the area of marketing

Admission Official Master's Degree in Marketing

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 30th of September to the 4th of October: Registration is open!

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Access to this master's degree is open to holders of an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or from another higher education institution within or outside the European Higher Education Area, provided this gives access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue.

Admission requirements

1. Graduates in Business Administration, Marketing, Economics, Statistics, Psychology, Sociology.

2. Graduates in Audiovisual Communication, Journalism, Advertising Public Relations, Philology/Humanities, or similar. These students may have to take bridging courses.

3. Graduates in an area of Engineering or Sciences. These students may have to take bridging courses.

4. English level B2.1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe.

5. Foreign students whose first language is not Spanish should submit a DELE or SIELE certificate (C1). The master's degree Admissions Committee will not accept any other language certificates.

Selection criteria

The coordination of the master will assess the merits of the student based on:

  • Academic record in a maximum of 50%. Both the grade  of the academic record and its composition (the skills and abilities developed by the student) will be assessed.
Group of degrees Academic transcript Weightig
1.Business Administration, Marketing, Economics Statistics, Psychology, Sociology. Average grade on record 50%
2. Graduates in Audiovisual Comunication, Journalism, Advertising Public Relations, Philology/Humanities, or similar Average grade on record 35%
3. Graduates in an anrea of Engineering or Scienes Average grade on record 35%
  • English level B21 or higher of the Common European Framnework of Reference for the llanguages of the Council of Europe By 35%. The score in this section will be higher the higer the accredited level is.
  • Professional experience related to the fiels of this mater's degree: 15%. Work experience will be scored on the basis of work contracts in areas linked to marketing, using the following reference scale:

1 to 2 years of proven experience: 50% (of the 15%)

Over 2 years of proven experience: 100% (of the 15%)


Complementary training

The Teaching Committee of the programme may require successful applicants to take up to 6 credits in bridging courses, depending on their previous studies. The Teaching Committee of the programme may require successful applicants to take up to 6 credits in bridging courses if they graduated in a subject other than those specified.

All bridging courses correspond to subjects within the syllabus of the UAB bachelor's degree in Business Administration.

- Bridging courses for Degree Group 2:

  • Statistics II. Code 102385 (6 ECTS credits).

- Bridging courses for Degree Group 3:

  • Marketing Management. Code 104678 (6 ECTS credits).