University Master's Degree in Analysis and Management of the Artistic Heritage

Offering a unique training experience in the fields of research, interpretation and management of artistic heritage, with the valuable collaboration of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya

Admission Official Master's Degree in Analysis and Management of the Artistic Heritage

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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Access to this master's degree is open to holders of an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or from another higher education institution within or outside the European Higher Education Area, provided this gives access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue.

Admission requirements

Admission requirements are as follows:

- Bachelor's degree, preferably in Art History, or equivalent.

Access is also open to graduates in Arts and the Humanities, Architecture or Social Science subjects, such as Audiovisual Communication, Journalism, Tourism, Anthropology or Education, or equivalent. If the master's committee considers it necessary, on examining their academic transcript, these students may be required to take bridging courses, as specified in the corresponding section.

Selection criteria

Should the number of applicants be higher than that of places on offer, these will be allocated according to the following criteria:
  •     1. Bachelor's Degree, with preference given to graduates in Art History (30%)
  •     2. Academic transcript (40%)
  •     3. Knowledge of English, level B1. Knowledge of French and Italian, level B1 (20%)
  •     4. Curriculum vitae, with special emphasis on  research experience and professional experience in the field of the master's degree, together with a motivation letter (10%)
If deemed necessary, interviews may also be held with candidates as part of the selection process.

Complementary training

Based on applicants' previous studies and their academic transcripts,  the Master's Committee will determine whether bridging courses need to be taken and the contents of these. If deemed necessary, these will be for a maximum of 36 ECTS and will be allocated according to students' academic needs, taking as a point of reference the following compulsory subjects of the Bachelor's degree in Art History.
  •     Art History: Objects and Fundamentals - 6 credits
  •     Fundamental Concepts of Artistic Heritage and Museography - 6 credits
  •     Greek Art - 6 credits
  •     Roman Art - 6 credits
  •     Romanesque Art - 6 credits
  •     Gothic Art - 6 credits
  •     Renaissance Art - 6 credits
  •     Baroque Art - 6 credits
  •     19th Century Art - 6 credits
  •     20th Century Art - 6 credits
  •     Art Criticism - 6 credits
  •     Art and Thought - 6 credits

The Master's Committee may waive the Work Placement module in the case of students who have worked in museums, foundations, or art galleries and centres. This is because professionals from these areas have taken this master's degree to obtain this qualification or go on to a PhD. Their experience goes far beyond that acquired in the Work Placement. In order to waive this module for these students they should have 5 years' experience as curators of museums, foundations or art centres, as arts managers in art galleries, antiques dealers or art centres, or as exhibition curators.