From Girona and mathematicians. We might think that the similarities end there between them. But if we forget the circumstances that governed and conditioned their lives, both personally and professionally, we would realize that their contribution to the scientific and intellectual in this country went beyond the work itself. This is what this exhibition wants to highlight.

As happens in most cases, neither Santaló nor Sunyer were prophets in their land, because neither was related directly to a Catalan university. Despite this fact, their worth achieved international recognition.

The exhibition pays tribute to these two Catalan mathematicians and, in turn, aims to spread their unique scientific legacy. You can see this exhibition at the Library of Science and Technology or on the website we link below, thanks to the work done by professors Reventós and Julià Cufí Agustí members of our Department of Mathematics.

Prospective students Addressed to students of high school


UAB Divulga UAB Divulga. Science Journal



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2025 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona