Resolution for two calls in Solidarity Fund UAB now available

Resoltes les dues convocatòries del Fons de Solidaritat
The resolution for two open calls from the Solidarity Fund UAB is now available. On the one hand, seven projects for Cooperation and Education for Global Justice –promoted by PDI and PAS staff- have been approved in the XXXVI Call. On the other hand, four initiatives by masters’ and PhD students were approved in the E2018-2019 call.


The Solidarity Fund is UAB’s tool for promoting actions of cooperation in universities in favor of global justice. These actions are expected to contribute in creating conditions for building a more fair, democratic and sustainable world. The Fund offers two annual calls for aid: one is addressed to PDI and PAS members and the latter for PhD students. The Solidarity Fund UAB is managed by Fundació Autònoma Solidària.

The XXXVI Call addressed to PDI and PAS staff was resolved with the approval of seven proposals, with six projects of cooperation for global justice and an initiative in the field of education for global justice. Furthermore, actions of inter-university cooperation oriented to an improvement of the teaching quality and for creating research abilities were prioritized in the framework of projects for cooperation addressed to southern countries.

The six projects of cooperation that were approved are related to with actions of training, research and technical advice in the fields of health, environmental justice, peace and gender. These actions will start during year 2019 and will be carried out in Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Mozambique and Chile, along with universities of these countries.

The second line of the call refers to education for global justice, which will fund a proposal to implement in UAB. This proposal should be focused in the introduction of a teaching alternative in the field of nursing for building a horizontal therapeutic relation.

On the other hand, the E2018-2019 Call, which aims to promote the participation of masters’ and PhD students in actions of cooperation in university, approved four projects that are directly linked to the studies of the applicants. These will be carried out in Panama, Morocco, Lebanon and Venezuela.

Funded projects FSXXXVI call

Funded projects E2018-2019 students call