Registration open for the new online drug workshop

Nou taller sobre el consum de drogues legals i il·legals

New edition of the online workshop organized by FAS about legal and illegal drugs consumption and its implications



The FAS health program with the support of the Department of Health proposes for the second semester 2020-2021 an online workshop about drugs. This workshop aims to explore the implications of illegal and legal drug consumption on an individual, social and community level, on the one hand, with a subjective outlook born from personal experience and the current political framework, and on the other hand, it will explore this multidimensionality so the assistants can build their idea of drugs far from mediatic conceptions and applying a gender perspective. 

The workshop will be in charge of experts in the field which will tackle each session with a dynamic approach like “What do we know about which substance?”, “Drugs and mass media: who can find more nonsense”, “Sexism is going clubbing” or “Cannabic movements”. 

The course consists of 7 participative sessions which will focus on the repercussions of drugs according to social class, gender, sexual preference, etc. and it is aimed at UAB students. Furthermore, it proposes a practical approach through an awareness action in the campus in coordination with the Xiringu. The Xiringu is the itinerant information point of the Health Program that carries out activities of awareness about sexuality and drug consumption. 

The workshop will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 15h to 17h via Zoom and it begins the 13th of April until the 18th of May. The cost of the course is 40 euros and it can be recognised for 2 credits. If you want to participate, you can fill this form. And if you have any questions, you can contact