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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

What is the UAB's biodiversity? Presentation of the results of the 1st Bibioblitz

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The UAB's 1st Bioblitz took place in spring 2022 and allowed participants to explore and sample different animal and plants species found around the campus' natural surroundings. This citizen science initiative formed part of the project on raising awareness on the UAB's biodiversity and sustainability (Sensibilització i recerca per transformar educant i incidint per la millora de la biodiversitat i la sostenibilitat al campus de la UAB). The project is coordinated by Sandra Saura, researcher at the UAB Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology, and at CREAF.

Now, the researcher will present the results of the 1st Bioblitz in a conference at the entrance hall of the Science and Technology Library, which is also hosting an exhibition of the different activities conducted during those two days, which included the participation of over 230 people.