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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Film projection 'The seventh seal', by Ingmar Bergman (1957)

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Event details

Set in medieval Europe during the Black Death, the film tells the story of a Swedish knight (Max von Sydow) who has taken part in the Crusades and decides to set out on a journey home. Along the way, he encounters Death (Bengt Ekerot) with whom he plays a game of chess, hoping to gain time to make sense of various questions of life: death or the existence of God.

“The Immortals” cinema season aims to pay tribute to some films that are considered cinema classics. The legacy of these films has transcended several generations and tastes, to the point of achieving a notorious cultural and artistic recognition, as well as eternal fame and glory. The tetralogy programmed for the season wants to contribute to this cult of excellence.


Duration: 96 min.

Free tickets limited to the capacity of the space. 

Original version.