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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

11th Meeting of European Project Managers in Catalonia

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Event details

  • Start: 15 Jun 2023 09:30
  • End: 15 Jun 2023 14:15
  • Auditorium of the Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Carrer de la Fortuna, Bellaterra campus

The AGAUR and the UAB organise this year's edition of the meeting of European Project Managers in Catalonia under the name of Professionalising Research Management in Catalonia.

The meeting aims to value the professionalisation of research managers, aligned wth European good practices and in accordance with the government's ACCIÓ 17 programme and projects funded by the European Commission. For the first time, the EU has marked research management as one of the 20 priorities of the European Research Area (ERA): Research Management Initiative  – Enhancing the strategic capacity of Europe’s public research performing and funding organisations. Among other things, this action points out the importance of relying on networks and initiatives in order to have a strong community of research managers.

The first part of the meeting will focus on the role of managers in the recently passed Law on Catalan Science (Llei de la Ciència Catalana 9/22) and the positioning of Catalonia within the Horizon Europe project. The second part will focus on different initiatives underway related to ACCIÓ 17 and the UE Roadmap and CARDEA projects. Interactive sessions will then be offered so that participants can share experiences and discuss the needs managers have in common.

For the full programme and to register to attend please visithttps://agaur.gencat.cat/en/detalls/activitatagenda/11-Trobada-de-gestors-2023