Registrar's office

Academic Management takes care of tasks related to administrative and academic issues related to teachers and students.

Head of service:
Francisca Pérez de Haro

In the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, the Logistic Support and Information Point (SLiPI) and the Academic Management make up an integrated service.

Regular schedule:
Monday to Friday from 10 to 13 and from 15 to 17 h.



For online procedures:
Seu electrònica (Access to information, services and electronic procedures in Spanish and Catalan)

+34 93 581 1876

Head of Academic Affairs:
Núria Gallego González

Head of Teaching Programming:
Ascensión Gómez Molina

Acces to usual procedures

If you come to carry out a procedure on behalf of another person, it is essential to carry the authorization document signed by the interested party and by you, as well as a copy of the other person ID and / or Passport and yours. You can download the authorization document here.

If you come to collect an official title on behalf of another person, you must provide the corresponding power of attorney.

You can contact Academic Management for the following questions:

  • Access to the university by pre-registration.
  • Access by change of studies.
  • Access by validation of foreign studies.
  • Reincorporation to the studies.
  • Access for change of studies of the Doctorate in the University Master.
  • Adaptations