A brief history of the Faculty

The School of Translators and Interpreters of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) was established in 1972 by Royal Decree (Real Decreto 1379/1972; BOE 22/09/1972) and was the first of its kind in Spain.
Although the Decree only envisaged a traditional type of language school, the School was, from the day it was founded, a centre of higher education specialising in Translation. It offered a Diploma in Translation and Interpreting, awarded by the UAB.
In 1980, the Spanish Ministry of Education officially recognised the School's program of studies , and, in 1984, recognised its name: Escuela Universitaria de Traductores e Intérpretes (EUTI).
Courses in Interpreting, leading to a postgraduate Diploma in Interpreting awarded by the UAB, were introduced in 1979, and a two-year postgraduate course in International Conference Interpreting was offered from 1984-1992.
In 1992, the EUTI became the first School of Translators and Interpreters to achieve Faculty status as the Facultat de Traducción e Interpretación. Students were then able to study for a general Degree in Translation and Interpreting (Licenciatura en Traducción e Interpretación) or, if they preferred, to specialise in one of three options available: Modern Languages, International Conference Interpreting, or Specialised Translation.
The Faculty introduced its new graduate and undergraduate degree programs, compatible with the European Higher Education Area qualifications framework, in 2010.