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Contributions by UAB teaching centres and services during lockdown


Self-isolation caused by the COVID-19 health crisis has brought about different actions from our faculties and services. The situation has motivated the university, and the people forming part of it, to contribute to helping from a variety of disciplines.


Faculty of Arts and Humanities

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities proposes a series of literary, philosophical and musical reflections and tips regarding the personal sphere and the plagues aflicting them, both collectively and individually. One of the first initiatives to appear, it is called "Llibres i música en temps de desassossec" [Books and Music in Times of Anxiety]. Each contribution is made by a different lecturer. You can consult all of them at the news archive of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (in Catalan).

Faculty of Communication Studies

The Faculty of Communication Studies has begun the #FemFCCUAB initiative, in which all members of the faculty share short stories, poems, photos, images, recommendations on films, books, articles, music or television series, as well as reflections, inspiring ideas, words of encouragement, drawings, adverts, short videos, or anything else related to communication in the broadest sense of the term. Contributions can be viewed on this page (in Catalan and Spanish). 

Different Faculties: Open Pianos 

Each year, the UAB organises "Pianos Oberts", an initiative aimed at bringing live music to nine faculties: Arts and Humanities, Sciences, Economics and Business Studies, Law, Education, Political Science and Sociology, Translation and Interpreting, and Biosciences, by offering all of the members of the university community a chance to play whatever they please on several different pianos. This year the activity is organised online and, in commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Beethoven, the activity offers fragments of the most renowned pieces of this German composer. Here you can find more information (in Catalan and Spanish).

Faculty of Law

The UAB debate group "Grup d'Argumentació i Debat" at the Faculty of Law decided to continue their activities online, and organised on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 March, the first online competition of others to come during the lockdown. A total of 52 teams participated, as well as more than 60 judges from over 10 different countries (Spain, Chile, Ecuador, United States of America, Italy, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, Portugal, France and Bolivia). The competition used the "Discord" application, which allows having several debate rooms simultaneously and in this way simulate a normal on-site debate. The different themes of the debates included female empowerment, consentment of victims in peace talks, or the romanticisation of the lockdown. The winner fo the debate was the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. The UAB Grup d'Argumentació i Debat participated with 9 teams and 11 judges. You can find more information here (in Catalan).

Faculty of Translation and Interpreting

The Faculty of Translation and Interpreting has gone back in time and returned to the tree of wishes that the Students' Council created in the Plaça Cívica, right before self-isolation, to hang all of their wishes (in Catalan and Spanish).

Library Services

The Library Services has chosen a series of resources to help readers inform themselves on COVID-19. At the same time, it offers resources offered by publishers, since many of them have made their electronic books available free online and other resources during the Covid-19 lockdown. Some libraries at the hospital teaching units off campus have yieleded their spaces for the current healthcare needs.

Vila Universitària

Vila Universitària recommends What to do at home during self-isolation, which includes a series of practical and useful tips to help make these days more bearable. "Although this situation is not easy, we now have the opportunity to listen to ourselves, our body and to learn to live the present", says representatives of Vila UAB.

Online Language Tandems

The Tàndem programme, which every Wednesday invited young people from different parts of the world to gather at the Sala Annexa of the Hotel d’Entitats, will now meet online during the lockdown. In this way, students will be able to stay in contact with each other while they continue to discover other languages and cultures.

More information during the lockdown can be found at the website: