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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA-UAB)

MdM Keynote Speaker Series 2022: "Economics as an Island of order far from Equilibrium", by Robert Ayres

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  • Inici: 01 feb. 2022 12:00
  • ICTA-UAB & online

Prof. Robert Ayres, from the Institut Européen d'Administration des Affaires (INSEAD), will be giving a keynote on “Economics as an Island of order far from Equilibrium” at ICTA-UAB (room Z/023 - Z/022) on Tuesday, 1st of February 2022, from 12:00 to 13:00. 

Our invited speaker will be available for informal meetings with ICTA-UAB researchers afterwards. Given the limited capacity of the room (up to 30 people), you can also follow the event live by zoom (link below). 


 MdM Keynote Speaker Series 2022: “Economics as an Island of order far from Equilibrium 

Speaker: Robert Ayres, Emeritus Professor of Economics and Political Science and Technology Management   

Date: Tuesday, 1st of February 2022, Time: from 12:00 to 13:00 Venue: Room Z/023 - Z/022 Online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81918347439?pwd=K1VwZDdzVWFoMEI0VkFZakVweUVlQT09  Meeting ID: 819 1834 7439 Passcode: 400207   


Robert Ayres holds a PhD in Mathematical Physics from Kings College (University of London), a MSc in Physics from the University of Maryland and a BA, BSc from the University of Chicago.  

He joined INSEAD in 1992.  He was the founder of the Center for the Management of Environmental Resources (CMER) which he directed from 1992 to 2000, when he retired. He remains an active member of INSEAD, producing numerous publications on topics ranging from Industrial Metabolisms and Industrial Ecology, through Environmental Policy and Technology Evaluation, Economic Growth and Environmental Regulation, Environmental Economics, to Eco-restructuring. TOPIC of the KEYNOTE 

The economy of humans is a self-organized system, never in equilibrium. Equilibrium, in closed systems, is the state where nothing happens or can happen. Economic systems in equilibrium are impossible because closure prevents essential energy (exergy) inputs from outside. The human economic system is driven by useful energy, or exergy (including from the cosmos, past and continuing) and thus exergy needs to be included in our economic models. Wealth is not created by capital or labor, except as they embody exergy extracted from nature, via photosynthesis, wind or flowing water (hydrology), geothermal power or nuclear power. 


Robert Ayres at ICTA-UAB