Mostrant coincidències amb:
Thesis defense of Celina Aznarez
BIOCAL Workshop: "Biodiversity of planktonic calcifying organisms from biomineralization to global implications"
Seminar: "Democracy and Electoral Imperialism in "French-speaking" Africa (1789-2023)", by Dr Ndongo Samba Sylla
MdM Keynote Speaker Series: "How Sustainable are Polar Fisheries? A Deep Time view of Global Fish Production", by Richard Norris
Seminar: "Arctic amplification of/and "global" warming", by Graham Mortyn
ICTA-UAB Film Forum: "Lemon Tree", by Eran Riklis
Thesis defense of Anna Porcuna
III Workshop: Etnohistòria marítima per al futur dels nostres mars i oceans
Workshop: "Science, Policy, and the Media"
Thesis defense of Pietro Tonini