University Master's Degree in University Master's Degree in Legal Profession and Legal Representation

Law graduates may practise in any area or specialisation of the legal profession. Backed by an experience of 10 editions with a very high percentage of success and very satisfactory for those who have participated during all these years

Quality Official Master's Degree in University Master's Degree in Legal Profession and Legal Representation

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

You can also send the form on this page to request personalized attention.

The process management system of the faculties of the UAB reflects our commitment to offer quality degrees that include a quality policy in its operation as well as measures to ensure its continuous evaluation and improvement, according to the European quality standards. All these elements form the Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIQ).

This system covers:
  • the definition and monitoring of the teaching quality policy and objectives of the faculty, in accordance with the UAB institutional strategic lines
  • the definition and the update of the university degree framework
  • the processes directly linked to teaching development (tutoring, evaluation, external practices, mobility, etc.)
  • the processes of evaluation and satisfaction of the different groups
  • the processes most linked to people and necessary resources (teaching staff, administration and services staff, infrastructure and services, syllabus, academic organization, etc.)
  • and the processes linked to the life cycle of the degrees: verification (pre-implantation assessment), monitoring (periodic monitoring), modification (application of continuous improvement) and accreditation (evaluation of the implantation and renewal of the authorization to continue offering the degree), that gives answer to the need to have, update and improve the university degree framework.


Aquí tens accés a tots els informes vinculats al cicle de vida de la titulació

Procés d'avaluació prèvia a la implantació de la titulació

Procés de monitorització periòdica del desenvolupament i els resultats de la titulació

Procés de renovació de la implantació de la titulació

Sistema de Garantia Interna de Qualitat de la Facultat
Conjunt de processos que permeten la gestió i seguiment els diferents aspectes de les titulacions amb l'objectiu estratègic de garantir la millora continua de les mateixes

Canal obert de participació que permet fer arribar suggeriments, queixes i felicitacions sobre el funcionalment de la UAB

UAB's mobility & exchange programmes