Quality Official Master's Degree in Conference Interpreting
This system covers:
- the definition and monitoring of the teaching quality policy and objectives of the faculty, in accordance with the UAB institutional strategic lines
- the definition and the update of the university degree framework
- the processes directly linked to teaching development (tutoring, evaluation, external practices, mobility, etc.)
- the processes of evaluation and satisfaction of the different groups
- the processes most linked to people and necessary resources (teaching staff, administration and services staff, infrastructure and services, syllabus, academic organization, etc.)
- and the processes linked to the life cycle of the degrees: verification (pre-implantation assessment), monitoring (periodic monitoring), modification (application of continuous improvement) and accreditation (evaluation of the implantation and renewal of the authorization to continue offering the degree), that gives answer to the need to have, update and improve the university degree framework.
Pre-implantation assessment of the degree
- Memoria actual de la titulación
- Resolución de verificación del Consejo de Universidades
- Registro de Universidades, centros y titulaciones (RUCT)
Periodic monitoring of the degree
- ISC Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación 2022-23
- ISC Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación 2021-22
- ISC Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación 2019-20
- ISC Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación 2018-19
In October 2024, AQU Catalunya certified the internal quality assurance system of the Autonomous University of Barcelona’s Faculty of Translation and Interpreting. As a result, all the Faculty’s university degree programmes are considered certified for a period of five years, with scope for subsequent renewal. AQU Catalunya will issue a quality label for each degree programme and an institutional quality label for the Faculty.
- Autoinforme de acreditación Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación 2022
- Informe de acreditación
- Resolución de acreditación del Consejo de Universidades
- Registro de Universidades, centros y titulaciones (RUCT)
Internal Quality Assurance System
A set of processes that allow the management and monitoring of the degrees with the strategic goal of asure their continuous improvement
- Sistema de Garantía Interna de Calidad
- Plan de Acción Tutorial PAT
- Comisión de Ordenación Acadèmica y Titulaciones
- Comisión de Calidad del MUIC
Is an open channel for participation that allows users to provide opinions, complaints and positive feedback on the performance of UAB
Mobility and exchange programmes
The UAB’s policy of internationalisation, and particularly that of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, has encouraged participation in various international exchange programmes to facilitate the mobility of both students and staff.The main international mobility schemes are the Erasmus Programme and the UAB Exchange Programme.
Within the framework of the 120 credits of this 2-year Master’s course, students may take advantage of the Faculty’s existing MA mobility agreements. Students who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity may, after consultiation with their academic coordinator, take a module, or part of a module, at another international partner university which offers a Master’s in Conference Interpreting similar to the UAB’s MUIC. The Mock Conference and tutored Professional Practice modules may not be taken as part of a mobility exchange. Work for the “Final Master’s Project” module may be completed during the student’s mobility placement, providing that permission has been sought and obtained from the MA coordinator and the tutor responsible for overseeing the project.