University Master's Degree in Tourism Management in Cultural Heritage

Training to cultivate tourism professionals with a background in the humanities: capable of innovating and adding value to knowledge management in the tourism-cultural heritage combination.

Content Official Master's Degree in Tourism Management in Cultural Heritage

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Study guides

Master description

The master's degree comprises 60 ECTS in total and lasts one academic year. The syllabus is organised into eight modules, taught over two semesters. All modules are compulsory, so all students receive the same training. Six of these modules have a workload corresponding to six ECTS credits, while the other two – the placement module and the master's degree dissertation – count for 12 ECTS credits.

The first semester is devoted to five modules covering different disciplines in the humanities and tourism studies. The first three deal with basic theory in geography, history, literature and language together with fundamental principles in tourism. The other two cover the theoretical foundations of history of art, anthropology and sociology together with fundamental principles in tourism. The first-semester modules are as follows.
  • Module 1. Instruments of heritage management for tourism.
  • Module 2. Historical interpretation of cultural resources.
  • Module 3. Didactic mediation of the language and creation of literary tourist products.
  • Module 4. Keys to interpreting the artistic heritage for tourism.
  • Module 5. Social, economic and anthropological strategies in cultural heritage management for tourism.
The second semester is for an important module: that of placements in high-prestige organisations. It also includes a module on methodology for conducting the research project for the master's degree dissertation. The final module is for the master's degree dissertation, which can be profession- or research-oriented in its approach. This module is where students apply the knowledge acquired throughout the master's degree and it opens the door to a potential future in research for them. The second-semester modules are as follows.
  • Module 6. Research methodologies and techniques.
  • Module 7. Work Placement
  • Module 8. Master's degree dissertation (TFM).

Course begins on


Course ends on


Teaching timetable

Check the master's schedule.

Study plan structure


Type Credits
Compulsory 36
Master Thesis 12
External Practicum 12





Subject Credits Type
First year    
Didactic Mediation of Language and Creation of Literary-Tourism Products 6 OB
Historical Interpretation of Cultural Resources 6 OB
Instruments of Regional-Heritage Tourism Management 6 OB
Master's Degree Dissertation 12 OB
Research Methodologies and Techniques 6 OB
Social, Economic and Anthropological Strategies for Tourism Management in Cultural Heritage 6 OB
Tourism-Related Interpretative Keys to Artistic Heritage 6 OB
Work Placement 12 OB




OB: Compulsory