University Master's Degree in Strategic Planning in Advertising and Public Relations

An interdisciplinary programme, taught at a leading international university, that trains professionals in the field of communication, where branding, strategy and marketing combine to train the planners that organisations need

Admission Official Master's Degree in Strategic Planning in Advertising and Public Relations

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

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Access to this master's degree is open to holders of an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or from another higher education institution within or outside the European Higher Education Area, provided this gives access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue.

Admission requirements

You need the following qualifications to be admitted to this master's degree:

- Degree certificate in Advertising and Public Relations.
- Degree certificate in other areas within the field of Communications Studies, such as Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Communication, Social Communication, Cultural Communication, Digital Communication, Art and Communication, or similar.
- Degree certificate in areas related to the Social Sciences or the Humanities, such as:

  • Economics and Business Studies
  • Business Management and Administration
  • Marketing and Market Research
  • Anthropology
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • And other equivalent qualifications in the aforementioned areas.

- Spanish level C or above.

Selection criteria

In the case of there being more applicants than places available, the following criteria will be applied:

1 . Adequacy of your degree (up to 30%), in the following order:
a ) degrees in Advertising and Public Relations, in Marketing or in similar areas (30%)
b ) degrees in other areas of Communication (20%)
c ) degrees in other areas of Social Sciences and the Humanities (10%)
d) others ( 5% )
2 . Student record (30% )
3 . Professional experience in the field of Advertising and Public Relations or Marketing (up to 30%):
a ) departments of strategic planning in advertising and public relations agencies (30%)
b ) departments of strategic analysis of brands in market research companies (30%)
c ) departments of marketing in advertising companies and institutions (30%)
d) other areas of advertising, public relations, market research ( 20% )
4 . Advanced knowledge of English, enough to understand professional texts and interviews, superior to Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (10%)

The committee may personally interview you to help the members with their decision, with other factors taken into account, such as: research experience.

Complementary training

Graduates in Advertising, Journalism and Audiovisual Communication need not enrol in any additional training courses.

Graduates of other fields will be evaluated by the master's degree committee and may need to enrol in up to 12 additional credits. Additional training courses are made up of fourth year subjects from the bachelor's degree in Advertising and Public Relations. They are offered in the first semester and are each worth 6 credits:

Subject 1: Creative Strategy
Subject 2: Market and Consumer Research
Subject 3: Strategic Planning