University Master's Degree in Advanced Genetics

Cross-curricular training introducing the most recent advances in all of the genetic fields

Admission Official Master's Degree in Advanced Genetics


Access to this master's degree is open to holders of an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or from another higher education institution within or outside the European Higher Education Area, provided this gives access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue.

Admission requirements

Candidates for this master's degree must:
have a degree in Biosciences, Medicine, Pharmacy or Veterinary Science;

have taken a subject related to Genetics (in general, or a specific area) as part of their degree;
have a level in English of B1 on the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The committee will interview those who cannot certify that they have level B1, in order to ensure that they would be able to follow the classes without difficulty.

Selection criteria

Once admission is granted, places will be allocated according to the following criteria:

1. Academic transcript (70%).
2. Curriculum vitae (20%).
3. Personal interview (10%).

The committee will interview those who cannot certify that they have level B1, in order to ensure that they would be able to follow the classes without difficulty.