FAS volunteers meet up for training about mental health and care

Foto de família del Nostrum 2023 (desembre)

On Saturday, December 2nd, a new edition of Nostrum was held. Nostrum is a training and team-building event that brings together volunteers, students with grants and staff from the Fundació Autònoma Solidària (FAS). This year, some sixty people took part in the event, which focused on the importance of care.


Nostrum is a meeting place for all those who are part, this year, of the FAS volunteering programmes, and it is a space to exchange experiences, meet other people and have fun.

The day started with a welcome for the attendees and a musical bingo about the volunteering programme to break the ice.

Next, the participants were split into two groups to enjoy two training workshops on mental health and anti-racism. The former, entitled “Community care as an antidote to racism”, given by Sara Cuentas, journalist and coordinator of the Decolonial Feminist School of the Migration, Gender and Development Network, focused on the need to build community to fight against the structural racism that surrounds us.

The second workshop, on mental health and care, given by Sara Carbonell, highlighted the importance of looking after mental health from a collective perspective, as it is a problem that affects society as a whole and that has probably affected everyone in one way or another.

The event ended with the traditional group photo and a shared lunch, which created an informal atmosphere among the participants.