Ombuds Officer of the Faculty

The Ombuds Officer of the Faculty of Law has the mission of protecting the rights of the members of the Faculty. With this purpose, it can supervise the actions of the university administration. It is elected by the Faculty Board for four years and when exercising its functions, it enjoys full autonomy and impartiality.
The current Ombuds Officer is Dr. José Antonio Fernández Amor.
She acts ex officio or by motion of the party. All members of the Faculty of Law can be addressed by requesting that it acts on the complaint they make. Complaints can be submitted, by reasoned writing, to the emailn
Informe Síndico - Febrero 2017
Informe Síndico - Febrero 2018
Informe Síndico - Diciembre 2018
Informe Síndico - Febrero 2020
Informe Síndico - Año 2020
Informe Síndic - Any 2022