Academic Administration Office

Academic Administration

Gestió acadèmica

Academic Administration is in charge of administrative procedures for the whole community and general public in relation to the degrees taught in the faculty.


From September 9th to June 30th

Monday to Thursday:  from 9:45h to 13:30h and from 15 to 17h
Friday  from 9:45h to 14:00h

From July 1-31 and September 1-8
Monday to Friday from 9:45h a 14:00h

Closed: August, Easter and Christmas periods, non-working days.


Inquiries : 93 581 22 80 /

Personal attendance: by appointment only

Rest of procedures, onlineSol·licituds i tràmits en curs o destacats 

Exchange office: by appointment only (Monday & Thursday from 10 to 13:30h)