
It is the responsibility of the Governing Body of the Faculty to:

  • Make proposals for new courses and degree programs, and cooperate in the organisation of postgraduate  and life-long learning activities.
  • Organise, coordinate and supervise  teaching in the Faculty, in particular taught award-bearing provision,  and ensure  that academic staff fulfil their teaching functions satisfactorily.
  • Organise, coordinate and supervise the management of the services for which it is responsible .
  • Manage the Faculty’s financial, material and human resources.
  • Gestionar su dotación presupuestaria y los medios personales y materiales que tengan asignados.
  • Liaise between the Departments in the Faculty and  other Faculties, or Schools to ensure the effective coordination of teaching and the rationalization of academic and administrative tasks.
  • Make proposals concerning curriculum development and implementation to the Departments responsible for teaching in the Faculty.
  • Issue academic certificates, manage the Faculty enrolment process,  and other academic-related processes.
  • Participate in quality assessment processes and teaching quality enhancement activities.
  • Promote cultural, educational and extramural activities.
  • Serve as a vehicle of information, representation and participation of the university community  in the governance of the university, as well as a  link between the university and society.
  • Make proposals for collaboration agreements with other academic institutions.
  • Obtain and disseminate information concerning the research activities of  Departments providing tuition in the Faculty.
  • Fulfil any other function required by the UAB Statutes or the Faculty Rules and Regulations.