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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Department of Geography

Welcome to the PhD Program in Geography

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Event details

Next Friday, December 2, we will hold the Welcome Day to the Doctoral Program in Geography, at 14:00 hours in the Conference room, Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The Day is dedicated to all the students of the PhD Program and its faculty.

The session, of two hours, will be distributed in a first informative part on issues related to the PhD, and a second part dedicated to the conference of Jordi Grau (environmentalist and technician of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia) on Identifying and mapping the values and dynamics of the landscape.

Abstract: Based on the example of the Penedès Landscape Catalog (in the final phase of elaboration), a review of the methodology of landscape catalogs will be made, emphasizing the mapping of landscape values and spaces under stress and opportunity, and also their use to formulate proposals for landscape protection, management and planning. Landscape catalogs are the tools that allow us to know what our landscape is like and what values it has, what factors explain why we have a certain type of landscape and not another, how our landscape evolves according to the current economic, social and environmental dynamics and, finally, they define what type of landscape we want and how we can achieve it.

This conference is a training activity of the Program (with certification for doctoral students attending) and is open to everyone.


Registration form for the Welcome Day in the Doctoral Program in Geography

Registration form for the conference "Identifying and mapping the values and dynamics of the landscape", by Jordi Grau