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Recognition of a foreign PhD qualification

The recognition procedure to make a foreign PhD qualification to the equivalence of the degree of an official Spanish university degree of PhD by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona consists of two phases:

1- Examination of the foreign qualification (Estudi d'equivalència del títol estranger de Doctor/a)
2- Issuance of a document certifying the recognition of your credentials (Expedició de credencial acreditativa de equivalència)


You must send the necessary documentation to the Doctoral School by courier (or in person, by booking an appointment -Procedure: Recognition of a foreign qualification-). The address is as follows:

  1. Doctoral School - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  2. Reference: Equivalencia Título de Doctor/a
  3. Travessera de Can Miró, S/N
  4. 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)

The documentation that you must submit is the following:
(each document must be stapled individually, in order and with a notation in pencil indicating the number corresponding to each document according to the list below)

The documents that you must compulsorily provide with the application for declaration of equivalence of foreign doctoral degrees are the following (and specific documentation depending on whether the doctoral degree has been issued by a university of the European Union or of the Rest of the countries):

  • PERSONAL DOCUMENTATION (for all requests)
    • (1) Request to study the equivalence of a foreign degree.
    • (2) Certificate proving the nationality of the applicant (certified photocopy or authentic copy of the DNI or passport).
    • (3) Proof of payment of the 218,15€ (fees) through a deposit in the following bank account:
      IBAN: ES48 0182 6035 4302 0160 9886
      Account holder: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

    • The documents must be official and issued by the competent authorities to do so, in accordance with the legal system of the country in question.
    • It must be issued in Catalan, Spanish or English or must be accompanied by the corresponding official translation into any of these languages. It is not necessary to include an official translation of the copy of the doctoral thesis.

    • Original or certified photocopy or authentic copy of the title for which the equivalence is requested.
    • Original and certified photocopy or authenticated copy of the European Diploma Supplement (SET) or an academic certification proving that the degree has level 8 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).

    If the documentation is issued by a country other than those of the European Union, it must be legalized and certified (or certified copy). The attestation/authenticated copy can be made by the institution that has issued the certificate and title or also one of these other institutions.
    • Original or certified photocopy or authentic copy of the title for which the equivalence is requested.
    • Original or certified photocopy or authentic copy of the academic certification of the previous studies carried out by the applicant to obtain the degree for which the equivalence is requested, which includes, among other aspects, the official duration in academic years, the program of studies followed, the subjects studied and the workload of each subject..
    • Explanatory report of the doctoral thesis, written in Catalan, Spanish or English, in which the members of the jury and the qualification are indicated.
    • Copy of the doctoral thesis in the language in which it was defended.
    • In a complementary way, other documents that are considered necessary can be requested for the accreditation of the equivalence of academic level between the training completed to obtain the foreign degree provided and that required to obtain the title of doctor in the Spanish educational system. , such as the certification of the university or the competent body in the country of origin indicating that the degree has official validity in your country and that it is integrated into its educational system or that it is recognized as equivalent to those studies.

If it is detected that the documentation does not meet the specified requirements or any of the required documents is missing, you will be required to provide the corresponding documents within the established period. In case of doubt about the authenticity, validity or content of the documents, the responsible body may carry out the necessary steps for verification and contact the competent issuing authority.


Once the complete file is available (application, required documentation and payment of the equivalency study fee), the Doctoral School will send, if applicable, the documentation to the Academic Commission of the PhD Programme, so that it can be evaluated and drafted. an equivalence proposition.


This proposal will be evaluated by the Permanent Board.

Finally, the Rector of the UAB, after considering the report, will decide whether to accept or deny your application.

Following the rector's decision, the Escola de Doctorat will contact you via mail and send you the Resolution of the Rector regarding the recognition of your PhD qualification and begin the procedure of certifying the recognition of your credentials.

Please note: our qualification will be officially valid in Spain starting on the date on which you receive the certificate of recognition of your credentials.

This second phase of the procedure is explained in section "(2) Issuance of a document certifying the recognition of your credentials".


If you did not find in these pages the information you need, you can contact the Doctoral School at (if you send an email, you must identify yourself by indicating your ID / passport, NIU, name and surname).


In case the resolution for recognition is favourable, you will be able to request that the UAB begin the procedure of certifying the recognition of your credentials and you have to send us this document to (please remember that your qualification will be officially valid in Spain starting on the date on which you receive the certificate of recognition of your credentials).

Once your certificate has been issued, the Certificates Unit (Unitat de Títols) of the Doctorat School will contact you so you can come and pick up your certificate at the Unitat Tècnica de Doctorat

You may pick it up in person or authorise a person to collect it on your behalf. They will need to present a paper signed by you giving them permission to collect your document and a photocopy of your identification card.

You have a total of five years to collect your certificate. After this period you will be informed about the possibility of your certificate being destroyed.

If you did not find in these pages the information you need, you can contact the Doctoral School at (if you send an email, you must identify yourself by indicating your ID / passport, NIU, name and surname).