UAB's carbon footprint

Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions associated with the operation of the University

Imatge tones i gràfic de les emissions de l'any anterior

The carbon footprint of the UAB is the indicator of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the operation of the university. It is quantified in equivalent CO2 emissions that are released into the atmosphere. The GHG emissions to be taken into account in the carbon footprint calculation methodology are classified according to their generator into Scope 1 emissions (direct emissions from the organisation itself), and Scope 2 and Scope 3 (indirect, generated as a consequence of the organisation's activity, but which take place in sources that do not belong to the organisation and are not controlled by it).

With data for 2023 still provisional, direct emissions controlled by the organisation, scope 1, represent 13% of total emissions. Indirect emissions, scope 3, represent the remaining 87%. It should be added that since 2018, indirect emissions from electricity, scope 2, are 0 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

Overall, during 2023, 79% of GHG emissions at UAB came from mobility to access the campus, 12% from gas consumption in buildings and 4% from business travel.


Gràfic d'evolució de les emissions de CO2 de la UAB

The total GHG emissions of the UAB have increased in the last three years, mainly due to the increase in Scope 3 emissions.

We take 2015 as the reference year. Although the data for 2023 are still provisional, emissions have decreased by 39% compared to 2015.

Until 2018, the main GHG emissions at UAB came from mobility (access to campus and commuting) and energy consumption (natural gas and electricity). Since 2018, transport to access the campus has become the main source of GHG emissions. It should be added that since January 2018 the UAB has been purchasing electricity from renewable energy sources certified with a guarantee of origin (GoO).