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UAB scientists have participated in a international cooperation project in order to study the phenomenon of the El Niño and its impact on surrounding vegetation. Investigators studied the relationship between the development of two species (pallida Prosopis and Prosopis chilensis) and the cycles of the El Niño (who has a very variable intensity)....

El fenomen El Niño podria servir per endegar programes de reforestació

Human activities have left his dark trace in the planet. Such is the case of the mining industry and his consequent soil contamination. In order to alleviate situations like this there exist several initiatives. The investigator of the UAB Gustavo Pérez has calibrated a complex system to measure the soil contamination, so that the...

El treball cal·libra un complex sistema per a mesurar la contaminació dels sòl.

Researchers of the UAB are collaborating in an international project aimed to reconstruct the climatic history of our planet. Their laboratory: Los Andes, at more than 4.000 m altitude; their files: the lake sediments from these high altitudes. The study of past climatic records will help us to predict the possible effects of future climate...

Viatge en el temps per fer front al canvi climàtic

Heterogeneous photocatalisis has generated great interest at the prospect of new methods becoming avalaible that allow industrial sectors to control the generation of non-biodegradable, toxic contaminants. Researchers of the Unit of Chemistry and Physics of the UAB Department of Chemistry have made improvements by modifying TiO2 with Al (III)...

Mètode de prevenció de la desactivació del TiO2 durant la fotodegradació de l'àcid salicílic