The 7th edition of Postgraduate Social and Solidarity Economy is inaugurated

foto de noies a la conferència

Last January 24 at 6pm, the inaugural Postgraduate conference was held in the degree room of the Faculty of Economics and Business on the Bellaterra campus


The event was organized by Mònica Gil Junquero, who is a professor and researcher at the University of Valencia (UV). It should be noted, as was done at the conference, that she has a doctorate in Gender Studies from the UV and her research is linked to the University Institute of Women's Studies at the UV. In addition, he teaches budgets and gender in postgraduate courses at different public and private universities in Spain and at FLACSO in Argentina.

The conference he gave was entitled "Economia Social i Solidària i Economia Feminista. Els pressupostos amb perspectiva de gènere" and revolved around the analysis of the relationships and links between the Social and Solidarity Economy and the Economy Feminist, specifying it through an economic policy issue such as Budgets with a gender perspective or Budgets with a gender focus (PEG). During the explanation, the creation of own publications such as "Els Pressupostos amb enfocament de gènere a l'Estat espanyol" o "Economia feminista, polítiques públiques i acció comunitària. Brúixola i eines per a la transformació local",, both from the Col ·Feminist Notebooks collection from the publishing house Tirant Humanidades.