Restaurant opening hours to change on 1 July

Bar de Ciències Socials

Starting on Friday 1 July, the campus cafés and restaurants will change their opening hours to better cater to the university community.


On Friday 1 July, the cafés and restaurants found on campus will open and close at a new time in order to cater more adequately to the university community.

The new opening hours will be as follows: Rectorat building, Veterinary Medicine, Science and Bioscience, Social Sciences, Education-FTI, Engineering, Medicine, Art&Humanities, and Plaça Cívica from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Communication, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the first two weeks of July and then from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. fr the remainder of the month. The Sabadell campus café will be closed.

All restaurants remaining open will offer hot and cold beverages, pastries and sandwiches. For lunch, the restaurants located at the Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Rectorat building, science nad Bioscience, Education-FTI, Medicine and Plaça Cívica will offer set menus, while those located in Engineering, Veterinary Medicine, and Social Sciences will offer combination plates. The restaurant at the Faculty of Science and at the Faculties of Education-FTI will be offering pizzas, but only during the first two weeks of July. 

The UAB website contains information on all the restaurants, cafés, and food vending points available on the Bellaterra and Sabadell campuses. It includes a geolocalised map of the UAB restaurants, as well as practical information on opening hours, menus and contact data. 

The web also contains a section about food and health and information on health controls and food without gluten or other allergens, as well as a "Responsible restoration" section explaining the UAB campaigns and initiatives related to sustainability and social justice in the food sector.

Accredited quality

Els bars i restaurants de la UAB aposten per productes locals, de temporada i de proximitat. També s'hi pot trobar aliments ecològics. Tots els establiments del campus disposen de dues acreditacions concedides pel Departament de Salut de la Generalitat: l'acreditació AMED (Establiments promotors de l'Alimentació Mediterrània) i l'acreditació AQUÍ SÍ – Fruita i Salut (establiments promotors del consum de fruita fresca, variada, de qualitat i de proximitat).

D'altra banda, a l'apartat "Carta de serveis" del web, s'explica el funcionament i els compromisos de qualitat dels bars restaurant de la UAB amb l'objectiu de fomentar la millora contínua i l'augment del grau de satisfacció dels usuaris.

More information: Food services at the UAB