New UAB "campus activities" to be held on 13 March

On 13 March, from 1 to 3 p.m., a new edition of "campus activities" will take place, organised by UAB faculties and school. These activities are cultural, participative and complementary to academic subjects (talks, seminars, conferences, debates, institutional events, etc.).
The next campus activities session of the 2023/24 academic calendar will be on Thursday 13 March 2024, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
This initiative began in the 2018/19 academic year, at the proposal of the UAB Governing Board and with the consent of the faculties. During the activities, teaching is suspended in order to allow faculties and student groups to organise non-academic activities, and thus take more advantage of the concentration of diverse knowledge that takes place at the University, especially after the disappearance of the old campus courses with the Bologna plan. It is also intended to encourage the organisation of activities and at the same time facilitate interactions among UAB students.
The activities that will be held are the following:
Title: "Presentació del clúster audiovisual de Catalunya"
Place: Plató 1, Faculty of Communication Studies
Summary: conference by Eduard Gil, head of management and administration of the cluster. Organised by the Faculty of Communication Studies.
Information and registration: here