High risk of forest fires

Mapa de Risc d'incendis

The UAB Prevention and Assistance Area has announced a set of recommendations to prevent forest fires addressed to all those visiting or passing through the woods and greenland surrounding the campus.


The UAB Prevention and Assistance Area has announced tips to prevent forest fires addressed to those visiting or passing through the campus' green areas.

The possibility of forest fires at the UAB is at a high level and reaches Level 3 of the Government of CAtalonia's Alfa Plan. In addition, Civil Protection has announced its Infocat Wildfire Plan is currently at a Level 3 Emergency Stage due to the numerous simultaneous wildfires now active.

The Government of Catalonia has passed restrictions and announced exceptional measures which include the municipalities in which the ALFA Plan's Level 3 has been activated:

1. All educational outdoor activities are suspended, including camping, trekking and hiking competitions (from 12 noon on 15 July until 12 midnight on 18 July)

2. Restrictions on activities conducted by summer camps, summer vació d’activitats vinculades als casals de vacances, colònies i estades esportives (from 132 noon on 15 July until 12 midnight on 18 July)

3. Suspensió de l'activitat agrícola que comporti ús de maquinària en la franja horària entre les 12 i les 18 hores, excepte pel que respecta a la recollida de fruit (inclosos productes hortícoles), la sega de l’alfals i altres herbàcies que es cullen en verd, llaurar els camps de rostoll que resten excloses d'aquesta restricció i el conreu de l’arròs.

4. Suspensió de les obres i intervencions a la xarxa interurbana de carreteres i vorals, inclosa la sega de les cunetes, excepte aquelles que autoritzi expressament el Servei Català de Trànsit.

5. La restricció de l’ús de bufadors i serres radials i similars a menys de 500 metres de zona forestals i a menys de 50 metres de terrenys agrícoles.

6. Limitació de la circulació del transport dins del bosc dels productes forestals en horari entre les 12 hores i 19 hores.

7. Limitació de la circulació motoritzada en el medi natural d'aquests municipis.

The measures announced in points 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 will come into force at the moment in which they are published in the Official Gazette o the Government of Catalonia, starting at 12 midnight of 19 July 2022.

Civil Protection also maintains its PROCICAT alert due to the current heat wave, which it foresees will continue throughout the week. Therefore, the UAB recommends adopting the prevention measures outlined by the Ministry for Employment, such as staying in the shade, drinking lots of fluids, using sunscreens, sunglasses and hats and caps.


For more information please visit:

Civil Protection: safety tips to prevent wildfires

Pla Alfa de la Generalitat de Catalunya (in Catalan)