Teaching staff Official Master's Degree in Political Science
UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes
Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!
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Course coordinator
Enrique Hernández
e-mail adress:Enrique.Hernandez@uab.cat
List of teachers
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Anduiza Perea, Eva | Political Science and Government | University professor/full professor | Research |
Ballart Hernandez, Francesc Xavier | Political Science and Government | University professor/full professor | Research |
Camatarri , Stefano | Political Science and Government | Researchers (Ramón i Cajal Programme) | Research |
Carvalho , Gabriela de | Political Science and Government | Researchers (Juan de la Cierva Programme) | Research |
Ciornei , Irina | Political Science and Government | Researchers (Ramón i Cajal Programme) | Research |
De Leon Ramon Borja, Margarita | Political Science and Government | University professor/full professor contract | Research |
Edmiston , Daniel | Political Science and Government | Distinguished PhD researcher | Research |
Etherington , John Robert | Political Science and Government | postdoctoral researcher (Indefinite Contract) | Research |
Fernandez Pasarin, Ana Mar | Political Science and Government | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Font Borras, Nuria Esther | Political Science and Government | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Galais Gonzalez, Carolina | Political Science and Government | Tenured university lecturers | Research |
Gallego Calderon, Raquel | Political Science and Government | University professor/full professor contract | Research |
Guinjoan Cesena, Marc | Political Science and Government | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Hernandez Perez, Enrique | Political Science and Government | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Maestripieri , Lara Ivana | Political Science and Government | Researchers (Ramón i Cajal Programme) | Research |
Marinova , Danislava Milkova | Political Science and Government | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Ostergaard-Nielsen , Eva Kristine | Political Science and Government | University professor/full professor contract | Research |
Perez Duran, Ixchel | Political Science and Government | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Rico Camps, Guillermo | Political Science and Government | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Vranceanu , Alina | Political Science and Government | Researchers (Ramón i Cajal Programme) |
Teaching staff
The masters is taught by teaching and research staff of the department of Political Science of the UAB, together with staff from other universities in Spain and abroad.
- Anduiza Perea, Eva
- Ballart Hernández, F. Xavier
- Blanco Fillola, Ismael Iván
- Bosch Gardella, Agusti
- Botella Corral, Joan
- Cristancho Mantilla, Camilo
- Durà Guimerà, Antoni
- Etherington, John Robert
- Fernández Pasarín, Ana Mar
- Font Borrás, Nuria
- Gallego Calderón, Raquel
- Garcia Muniesa, Jordi
- Guinjoan Cesena, Marc
- Hierro Hernández, Maria José
- Leon Ramon Borja, Margarita
- Marinova, Dani
- Noferini, Andrea
- Ostergaard Nielsen, Eva
- Petroff, Alisa
- Rico Camps, Guillem
- Sorde Marti, Teresa
Guest professors and teaching staff
- Miriam Acebillo
- Javier Arregui (UPF)
- Paul Bou-Habib (University of Essex)
- Albert Falcó-Gimeno (UB)
- Carol Galais (UOC)
- Mónica Méndez (Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas)
- Xabier Meilan (UDG)
- Jordi Muñoz (UB)
- Sergi Pardos-Prado (University of Oxford)
- Pablo Simon (UC3M)
- Federico Todeschini (IVALUA)
- Raül Tormos (Centre d’Estudis d’Opinió)
Administrative contact
Academic Office Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology
e-mail adress: ga.masters.fcps@uab.cat