Content Official Master's Degree in European Integration
UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes
Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!
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Ideal student profile
Students should be interested in general in issues surrounding the European Union (politics, economy, law, culture, society, etc.). They must be specially motivated, and show initiative and the ability to work in a team with members of different nationalities. It is recommendable, but not essential, to have a command of another EU language, in addition to English and Spanish, in which students must certify Level B1 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The Master's degree is aimed particularly at graduates in social sciences, humanities or environmental science, with some elements of European studies as part of their syllabus.Basic skills
- Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.
- Solve problems in new or little-known situations within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.
- Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
- Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
- Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
Specific skills
- Understand the workings of EU institutions in order to work and collaborate with them.
- Understand how EU legal and political measures are adopted, and how to interpret and apply them.
- Understand how the different EU policies are drawn up and how they interrelate.
- Distinguish the mechanisms and processes of interaction between the different European administrative and political levels (specialisation in Multilevel Governance).
- Prepare and apply for projects with EU funding (specialisation in Multilevel Governance).
- Identify and resolve conflicts of competence between the EU legal system and national systems (specialisation in Legal Integration ).
- Identify citizens' rights established in the EU legal system and know the legal procedures for their protection (specialisation in Legal Integration).
- Analyse the mechanisms and standpoints adopted by the EU within its participation in various multilateral international institutions and other bodies (specialisation in External Action).
- Analyse the legal, political and economic instruments implemented by the EU in its relations with other countries (specialisation in External Action).
- Recognise the financial instruments of the EU and their effect on the design and implementation of the various European policies (specialisation in Economic Integration).
- Identify European macroeconomic policies and instruments of economic coordination and governance (specialisation in Economic Integration).
- Work in professional environments that involve contacts with EU institutions and/or policies.
- Define, design, plan and draw up an original unpublished research project, following the established academic and scientific parameters.
Cross-curricular skills
- Seek out information in the scientific literature using appropriate channels, and use this information to formulate and contextualise a research topic.
- Work in multidisciplinary teams.
- Analyse, synthesise, organise and plan projects and assignments related to the area of study.