Research Methods in Education: Hands on Experience (NEW)
The course, “Research Methods in Education: Hands on Experience” is designed to equip education professionals with essential skills in research, evaluation, and innovation. In recent times, the demand for evidence-based decision-making in education has grown, making research proficiency a crucial aspect of professional development.
The aim of this course is to provide a basic and applied overview of research methods, data collection and treatment of educational information and its analysis and interpretation using specific IT tools to face the challenges that future education professionals face.
The emphasis is on challenge-based learning, where students engage in real-world scenarios, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Every week students will face a new challenge in teams, which will let them experience different research scenarios and procedures. This will not only prepare them to address today's challenges, but also empower them to adapt and lead change in an ever-evolving future within the field of education.
The course begins with a motivating introduction, emphasizing the increasing significance of research in educational and social sciences. It sets the stage for the importance of evidence-based practices in education and outlines the course's objective to provide a foundational understanding of research methodologies, data collection, and analysis using IT tools.
The course emphasizes a collective approach where all students tackle a common educational challenge. This not only fosters a shared understanding of the problem but also allows for diverse solutions through the application of research methods and skills.
Courses generally have little or no prerequisite knowledge required for a given topic, however if students face any doubts, we recommend they contact course professors to clarify.
Week | Contents | Teaching / learning activities |
1 |
Formation of Research Groups and Introduction to Challenges 1.1 Knowing the group and forming research groups ensuring diversity in skills and perspectives. 1.2 Getting to know the educational challenge to be solved through research. 1.3 Hands-on activities to familiarize students with various methodologies, research methods, and processes in education. |
Knowing the group & Challenge auction Understanding the real challenge - Empathy grid. Experiencing research methods. Using various research methodologies. |
2 |
Designing and Conducting Data Collection 2.1. Designing the techniques and instruments for data collection. 2.2. Doing the data collection. 2.3. Preparing the information to be analysed. |
Creating their own research method instruments. Approaching our sample to collect data. Spotting the intruder and cleaning the information. |
3 |
Data Analysis and Communication 3.1. Analysis of data using IT tools and visualization techniques. 3.2. Developing skills in communicating research findings through storytelling. 3.3. Community engagement: Communicating results to academic and non-academic audiences.
Making sense of the information through visualisation. Storytelling of research. Writing and Oral skills to communicate. |
- Group projects: Assessment of collaboration, problem-solving, and application of research methods. Evaluation of the creativity and effectiveness of each group's research approach.
- Individual assignments: Evaluation of individual contributions to data analysis and communication.
- Class participation: Active engagement in discussions, activities, and presentations.
- Outputs and exercises connected to the challenges: Assessment of the quality and completeness of submitted outputs.
- Final presentation: Evaluation of communication skills and the ability to solve the educational challenge.
Assessment criteria:
Critical thinking: Evaluation of the depth and quality of critical analysis applied to research challenges.
Problem solving: Assessment of the effectiveness in addressing real-world educational challenges by using research skills.
Communication skills: Evaluation of written and oral communication skills in presenting research findings.
Research proficiency: Assessment of the research skills developed and use of IT tools in data analysis and visualization.
Collaboration: Evaluation of teamwork, group dynamics, and collaborative problem-solving.
The proposed evaluation plan incorporates specific outputs and exercises aligned with the course's objectives. The outlined deadlines ensure a structured assessment process, with a commitment to communicating students' performance one day before the end of the three-week period, allowing for timely feedback and reflection. Overall, the plan promotes a collective yet diverse approach to the educational challenge, allowing students to showcase their unique research skills and problem-solving abilities.
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Biesta, G. (2015). On the two cultures of educational research, and how we might move ahead: Reconsidering the ontology, axiology and praxeology of education. European Educational Research Journal, 14(1), 11–22.
Choudhury, S., & Chechi, V. K. (2023). Development and Validation of Semantic Differential Scale to Assess Teachers Belief Towards Socially Disadvantaged Students. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 23(1), 185-204.
Cooper, H. (2018). Reporting quantitative research in psychology: How to meet APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.
Creswell, J. W. (2018). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Sage Publications.
Creswell, J. W., & Johnson, R. B. (2018). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Sage Publications.
Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2018). The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research. Sage Publications.
European Educational Research Association (EERA). (n.d.). EERA Website:
International Test Commission (2013). ITC Guidelines on Quality Control in Scoring, Test Analysis, and Reporting of Test Scores. International Test Commission.
Jarodzka, H., Skuballa, I. & Gruber, H. (2021). Eye-Tracking in Educational Practice: Investigating Visual Perception Underlying Teaching and Learning in the Classroom. Educational Psychology Review, 33(1), 1–10.
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Levitt, H. M. (2020). Reporting qualitative research in psychology: How to meet APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards (Revised Edition). American Psychological Association.
Leymarie, C. (2014). Entering the Field: Strategies and Considerations. Sage Publications.
Marrs, S. A., Quesada-Pallarès, C., Nicolai, K. D., Severson-Irby, E. A., & Martínez-Fernández, J. R. (2022). Measuring Perceived Research Competence of Junior Researchers. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 834843.
McGrath, C., Palmgren, P. J., & Liljedahl, M. (2019). Twelve tips for conducting qualitative research interviews. Medical Teacher, 41(9), 1002-1006.
Mertens, D. M. (2003). Mixed methods and the politics of human research: the transformative-emancipatory perspective. In A. Tashakkori & C. Teddlie (Eds.), Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social & Behavioral Research (pp. 135-164). Sage.
Morse, J. (2018). Reframing Rigor in Qualitative Inquiry. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research (pp. 1373-1409). Sage Publications.
Nutley, S. M., Walter, I., & Davies, H. T. O. (2007). Using Evidence: How Research Can Inform Public Services. Policy Press.
Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Teddlie, C. (2007). A framework for analyzing data in mixed methods research. In A. Tashakkori & C. Teddlie (Eds.), Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social & Behavioral Research (pp. 351-384). Sage.
Quesada-Pallarès, C. (2019c). Llistat d'auto-avaluació de l'informe d'una recerca en context d'aula. Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB.
Quesada-Pallarès, C. (2019d). Pautes de format per a la creació d'instruments de recollida de dades. Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB.
Quesada-Pallarès, C. (2019e). Rúbrica valoració final Treball Transversal d'Investigar en Educació - Avaluació de la recerca (entrega final acumulativa). Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB.
Quesada-Pallarès, C. (2019f). Validació entre iguals del qüestionari. Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB.
Quesada-Pallarès, C. (2020a). Arbre de decisions per triar prova estadística de relacions entre variables. Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB.
Quesada-Pallarès, C. (2020b). Arbre de decisions per triar prova estadística de comparació de grups. Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB.
Quesada-Pallarès, C. (2023). Casos de Pràctica Integrals per Investigar en Educació. Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB.
Quesada-Pallarès, C. [CompREd]. (2022, April, 29). Jamovi [Video]. YouTube.
Quesada-Pallarès, C., Ciraso-Calí, A., Báez Contreras, A., Vila, F., Roig Ester, H., Martínez, M., Valdivia, P., y Vega, A. (2023). Canvas Disseny de Recerca. Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB.
Richardson, L., & Adams, E. (2017). La escritura. Un método de investigación. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), Manual de investigación cualitativa. Vol. V. El arte y la práctica de la interpretación, la evaluación y la presentación. (pp. 128-163). Gedisa.
Salkind, N. J. & Frey, B. B. (2020). Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics (7th edition). Sage.
Teddlie, C., & Tashakkori, A. (2006). A general typology of research designs featuring mixed methods. Research in the Schools, 13(1), 12-28.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. (2020). Código de buenas prácticas en la investigación. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Vega-Martínez, A. [CompREd]. (2022, March, 11). Comunicar en Investigación: El póster científico [Video]. YouTube.
Carla Quesada-Pallarès. PhD in Education. Serra Húnter Associate Professor of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education of the Department of Applied Pedagogy in the Faculty of Education Sciences (UAB). She has specialized in developing junior researchers’ research competence, while doing research on learning transfer and learning patterns of adult population in lifelong learning situations, using a mixed-methods approach, with a strong emphasis on quantitative methodologies.
Angelina Sánchez-Martí. PhD in Education and Society. Serra Húnter Associate Professor of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education of the Department of Applied Pedagogy in the Faculty of Education Sciences (UAB). She has specialized in research and knowledge production methodologies, and, among them, "other" methodologies, from which she analyses the inequalities and experiences of vulnerability of education subjects.
Información complementaria
Where the course will take place
Facultad de Educación, Aula 69.
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