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UAB receives eight RecerCaixa grants, a total of 605,000 euros

Recercaixa 2015
Recercaixa 2015
The “la Caixa” Social Project and ACUP recently awarded 26 new grants from the 2014 edition of RecerCaixa, which will go to projects of excellence in the fields of social and health sciences. A total of 2 million euros were awarded.


Enric Banda, Director of the Science and Environment Unit of the ”la Caixa” Foundation and Roberto Fernández, Secretary of the Catalan Association of Public Universities(ACUP), recently reaffirmed their commitment to research of excellence with the renovation of the collaboration agreement under which to continue promoting the RecerCaixa programme during the 2015-2019 period.
At an event which took place at the CosmoCaixa, the “la Caixa” Social Project and ACUP recently awarded 26 new grants to projects selected from the 5th call of the RecerCaixa programme, addressed at fostering and promoting research in Catalonia and preventing the flight of talent.
In the 2014 call of the RecerCaixa programme, 221 projects were presented from 47 different institutes; of these, 26 were selected and awarded the 2 million Euros available. The UAB received eight grants worth a total of 604,811.39 euros.
In 2010, the “la Caixa” Social Project and ACUP created the RecerCaixa programme to promote research of excellence in Catalonia. The grants programme aims to give support to the best research projects of groups and researchers in Catalonia from both public and private research centres. Since it first began, the social project has awarded nine million euros to 120 selected projects; of these, 87 belonged to the field of social sciences and 33 belonged to the health sciences field. In these five years, a total of 1,706 projects were presented, of which 120 of the selected projects were presented by 29 research institutes and centres from around Catalonia.
In addition to renewing the agreement, the results and work of two selected research projects in previous call were presented, consisting of two examples of successful contributions to the improvement of social welfare in the area of public health and social inclusion. The projects were SENS-AGE: intelligent cares with sensors for an active and healthy aging process, led by Dr Francisco Javier Andrade, Ramón y Cajal researcher of the Chemometrics, Qualimetrics and Nanosensors Group of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV), and also leader of the Innovation Hub located at the Faculty of Chemistry of Tarragona, and Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in adopted children from Eastern European countries: diagnosis and treatment, led by Dr Óscar García Algar, lecturer at the UAB, researcher of the Childhood and Environment Research Group, of the Hospital del Mar Paediatrics Service (GRIE-IMIM).
UAB PROJECTS SELECTED IN THIS CALL Research and development of an online tool used for the participation in creating collective knowledge on social networking in Catalonia
Amparo Moreno Sardà, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

EINES: Tools and procedures used in the massive digitalisation of historical population resources
Josep Lladós Canet, Computer Vision Centre
Albert Esteve Palós, Centre for Demographic Studies

Emerging political protest trends: towards a political inclusion
Eva Anduiza Perea, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Social farming: economic analysis and assessment of benefits to society
Antoni F. Tulla Pujol, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

From prison to community: experimental social reintegration programme of ex-prisoners with risk of committing more crimes
Josep Cid Moliné, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Antonio Andrés Pueyo, Universitat de Barcelona

Assessment of effects community actions have on the health of the population
Raquel Gallego Calderón, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Male homemakers: challenges and opportunities to reduce gender inequalities and face new care needs
Dolors Comas d’Argemir Cendra, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Diana Marre Cifola, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Promoting self-care and literacy for social health and capital
in the elderly living in unfavourable socioeconomic urban areas: clinical trial aimed at reducing inequalities

Sergi Blancafort Alias, UAB Foundation for Health and Aging
Rosa Monteserín Nadal, EAP Sardenya Primary Healthcare staff member