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International Women's Day

Montserrat Solsona, en l'acte amb motiu del Dia Internacional de les Dones 2018
On 6 March the instutional celebration of International Women's Day took place at the Auditorium of the Rectorat building. This year the UAB paid homage to Montserrat Solsona, doctor in Human Geography and professor of the Department of Geography, as well as research associate of the Centre for Demographic Studies.


Each year the UAB organises an institutional event to commemorate International Women's Day, which this year took place on 6 March at 12 noon at the Auditorium of the Rectorat building. This year homage was paid to Montserrat Solsona, doctor in Human Geography, professor of the Department of Geography and research associate of the Centre for Demographic Studies (CED).

The event was presented by Sara Moreno, Vice Rector for Students and Employability, who was then followed by a brief summary of the main activities carried out by the Observatory for Equality. Laia Ferrer, Doctor in Demography, then presented the guest of honour and a video was projected on the academic trajectory of Professor Montserrat Solsona. Vice Rector Sara Moreno was in charge of handing her the award.
The event ended with a conference on gender and statistics entitled “¿Existe lo que no se registra y contabiliza? Género y producción estadística” by Chair Professor Lina Gálvez of the Department of Economics, Quantitative Methods and Economic History, Director of the Observatory for Economic, Political and Developmental Gender at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville.  

"Ten Tips for Using Non-Sexist Language" published
The celebration of the institutional event also served to publish an abridged version of the "Guide to Non-Sexist Language at the UAB" (published in 2011), which is entitled: Deu pistes per a un ús no sexista del llenguatge (Ten Tips to Using Non-Sexist Language). The document serves as support material when writing UAB documents, particularly study guides and teaching material. This short guide aims to serve as a reminder to members of the university community and comes in the format of 10 short tips.
On-campus activities in celebration of 8 March
In addition to the institutional event, other activities organised by faculties, departments, students and UAB entities will take place.

The Department of Philosophy offered a session on  “The Gender Perspective in Philosohy” on Thursday 1 March, as well as a conference on the precariousness of the research sector.

The Faculty of Law held a conference on wage inequalities among women, which will be given by Judge Mar Serna. The conference took place on 7 March at 12 noon at the faculty's Aula Magna. The event is organised by the "Women and Rights" Centre for Research and Studies at the Faculty of Law.

The Friends of the UAB organised a conference on violence and women entitlted “Quina violència infringim sobre les dones?” at the Ateneu Barcelonès in Barcelona.

The Feminist Committees of the Faculty Assemblies organise the Feminist Sessions at the UAB, with activities at the Plaça Cívica starting on 1 March and focusing on topics such as transfeminism, co-education and racism and gender.

In addition to these initiatives, the SAF Physical Activity Service offered specific activities and granted all women free entrance to the centre on 8 March.
Feminist Strike
A general feminist strike on 8 March was called for by several trade unions (CCOO, UGT, CNT i CGT) and by the feminist movement to give visibility to the inequalities in reproductive and productive work among women and men, as well the discriminations this leads to (wage gap, glass ceiling, sticky floor, harassment in the workplace, horizontal and vertical segregation, etc.). There was also the desire to protest against the patriacal violence suffered daily by women, lesbians and trans. The demonstration filled the streets of Barcelona.