The UAB Promoting knowledge, encouraging innovation

Single-member bodies

Faculty deans and school directors

The faculty deans and school directors are responsible for the general management and running of their centre, of which they are representatives. They are elected for a three-year period and can only be re-elected once.

They are Elected by the Faculty Board or School Board among the academic staff with permanent vinculation to the University; They are appointed by the rector.

In university schools, they may be chosen from among non-doctorate staff employed as officials and contract staff that hold a doctoral degree. A management team, which includes a secretary, assists the dean or director of each centre.

The main responsibilities of the faculty deans and school directors are:

  • representing the Faculty or School;
  • managing, coordinating and supervising activities at the Faculty or School, particularly the organisation of educational activities;
  • managing the Faculty or School services and ensuring they have sufficient resources;
  • approving the allocation of budget resources between the departments and services in the Faculty or School and distributing these funds;
  • ensuring the provisions applicable to the Faculty or School are observed, especially those aimed at providing good-quality teaching and services;
  • proposing, to the rector, the appointment and dismissal of the vice-dean or assistant-director, the Faculty secretary or School secretary, and the course coordinator;
  • summoning and presiding the Faculty Board or School Board and implementing decisions made by the Board;
  • ensuring that members of the Faculty or School fulfil their duties and that their rights are respected according to the regulations that apply to those members;
  • resolve any problems that the course coordinator encounters when validating previous courses taken by students.

Course coordinators

Course coordinators are responsible for managing, organising and coordinating the teaching of a course. They are delegated by the deans or directors and work with autonomy.

The rector appoints them from those proposed by the faculty deans or school directors after consulting the departments responsible for teaching a significant amount of the teaching for the course. They can be members of the deanery management team or school director's management team.

Department Heads

The department heads are responsible for the general management and running of the department they represent.

They are elected for a three-year mandate and can only be re-elected once. They are chosen and appointed by the rector from official UAB teaching staff with permanent vinculation in University and whose candidature has received the support of a third of the members of the Department Council. All directors are supported by a management team, which includes a secretary.

The main responsibilities of the department heads are:

  • representing the department;
  • managing, coordinating and overseeing the department's activities;
  • summoning and presiding the Department Council and implementing decisions made by the council;
  • administrating budget allocations; supervising the tasks assigned to the department's administration and services staff;
  • proposing to the rector that members of the team be relieved of their responsibilities and proposing new members;
  • ensuring the department regulations are respected;
  • ensuring that members of the department fulfil their duties as laid down by the regulations applicable to their position.

Directors of University Research Institutes and UAB Research Centres

The directors of university research institutes and UAB research centres are responsible for the general management and running of the centre they represent.

Their mandates are for three years and they can only be re-elected once. In accordance with the internal regulations, they are elected by the Institute Council or Centre Council from among the academic staff holding a doctoral degree, and are appointed by the rector. A management team, including a secretary, assists each director.

The main responsibilities of the university research institutes and UAB research centres are:

  • representing the institute or centre;
  • managing, coordinating and supervising the activities organised by the centre or institute;
  • summoning and presiding the Institute or Centre's Council and implementing the decisions made by the Council;
  • presenting the annual report on activities to the Council;
  • administrating the budget allocations;
  • managing the services at the Institute or Centre and ensuring they have sufficient resources;
  • supervising the tasks assigned to the administration and services staff;
  • proposing, to the rector, that members of the team be relieved of their responsibilities and proposing new members;
  • ensuring the regulations applicable to the Institute or Centre are respected;
  • ensuring that members of the Institute or Centre fulfil their duties.